Milan Design Week 2019: let’s have a look at Isola Design District – Milan Design Agenda.


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Milan Design Week 2019: let's have a look at Isola Design District
Milan Design Week 2019: let’s have a look at Isola Design District


Isola Design District is another of the areas of this city that is a wonder to be at particularly during Milan Design Week. This year is no exception so we’ll give you a little insight on this area of the wonderful Italian city.

Milan Design Week 2019: let's have a look at Isola Design District

More than an area of Milan, Isola Design District is also a territorial marketing project which was first created by Blank. This young creative agency located in Milan aims to help lifestyle inspired companies to communicate their values through design. On their list of projects, aside from Isola Design District, we can also point to other initiatives such as Milan Design Market, and Isola Food District.

Milan Design Week 2019: let's have a look at Isola Design District


Milan Design Week 2019: let's have a look at Isola Design District

In the case of the initiatives that take place during Milan Design Week, they are organized every year alongside 24PR&Events and Emilio Lonardo. During this period the whole area of the district is invaded by several design initiatives, among them exhibitions, installations, workshops, and talks.

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Milan Design Week 2019: let's have a look at Isola Design District

This area of Milan, like the other districts during this time, offers the possibility for several designers and organizations of renting different locations, to showcase their works. This will provide several opportunities and much visibility to artisans, international designers and emerging brands during Milan Design Week, so it’s no wonder that this area becomes full of life particularly during this period.

Milan Design Week 2019: let's have a look at Isola Design District

Of course, there are many focal points that you can’t miss in this area regardless of the time of year you are in Milan. Among one of these particular places is the headquarters of Stecca 3.0, where you can find several activities during Design Week.

You can also check out: DON’T MISS OUR DESIGN GUIDE FOR ISALONI & MDW 2019

Another must-stop for any design fans is the famous Milan Design Market (previously mentioned). This is one of the best spots for designers and design lovers to meet in order for several networking opportunities to happen, as well as new business opportunities. It’s not very far from Brera, so make sure to stop by!

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